The seminars given twice a year in Celle provided such an abundance of instructive cases, demonstrating the practical application of the theoretical basis of homoeopathic work, that it was a must for us to transcribe and publish them. So much invaluable information is given there, that it is not possible even for the participants to integrate everything they hear while attending the seminar. Therefore we are happy to be able to offer the Celle Seminars, in their entirety, to be studied and considered by those who attended the seminars and for all others interested in advanced homeopathy at it’s best.
Case 1. Epilepsy / Asthma
Case 2. Insanity
Case 3. Syringomyelia
Case 4. Neurodermatitis / Neurotic Fear / Alopecia
Case 5. Myelogenous Leukemia
Case 6. Bronchitis
Small Remedy. Adonis Vernalis
Case 7. Fabry-Anderson Syndrome
Case 8. Psoriasis
Case 9. Lymphoma
Case 10. Neurodermatitis
Small Remedy. Allium Cepa
Case 11. Cervical Spine Syndrome
Case 12. Muscular Dystrophy
Case 13. Chorioretinitis
Case 14. Chronic Vomiting
Case 15. Forgetfulness/Depression
Case 16. Rheumatoid Arthritis
Case 17. Chronic Gastritis
Case 18. Epilepsy