§ B.H.M.S. – from Shree B. A. Dangar Homœopathic Medical College, Rajkot, in 2011.
§ M.D. – from Anand Homœopathic Medical College & Research Institute, Anand, in 2015.
§ D. IACH – Diploma from International Academy of Classical Homœopathy, Greece.
§ PG. IACH – Postgraduate at International Academy of Classical Homœopathy, Greece.
§ MFHom(Int) London – Member of Faculty of Homeopathy London, UK.
§ PG. NAHI – Postgraduate at the National Academy of Homœopathy, Nagpur, India.
Presently, he is practising classical Homœopathy in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. He is also attached to Shree Sardar Patel Mahila Homeopathic Medical College as a Professor in the Department of Repertory and Case Taking.
He is an Administrator of the E-Learning course by Prof. George Vithoulkas and a Co-Ordinator of the E-Learning Course in Ahmedabad for Gujarat State. He is also a member of the International Academy of Classical Homœopathy, Greece research team. He regularly presents cases and articles in various Homœopathic Journals and peers review Medical journals.
He is the founder and teaching faculty of S.C.H.T. ( SHAH Centre for Hahnemannian Teachings), formerly known as ‘Hahnemannian Teaching’ in Ahmedabad, where he teaches Hahnemannian Homœopathy for free.